
Marketing Your Internet Site But it is a search engine comes to your target visitor, a visitor who was looking for necessary information and found it on your site. Secondly, the compulsory registration of your thematic center (site) in directories, and ratings. According to recent data published in Runete just 50% of visitors you can get on your site, and they too are targets because most of them are looking for information that is classified in directories by category. Thirdly, in its own mailing topics that will interest your visitors and subscribers. Yes, it's hard work, but that such work leads to good results. With the help of mailing not only can you prove yourself as an expert and an advertising company, survey, marketing research and it does not matter, you are registered on a paid or free service (details on mailing services, please visit ) Fourthly, the use of viral marketing. Yes my friends, this way really paid off many times and proved to be lethal force. Why is this method? This deliberate speed advertising for the necessary information from one user to another network, without involvement advertiser. E-book is a tool for viral marketing. Just such a tool is to write articles. You prepare the e-book, while preparing for her design and 3d artwork, or you write an article on the interests of your target visitor, place it in your ezine, newsletter of other authors, some free service. In each article (or electronic book) is necessary to place the file sign or...